Decisions about children and what best serves their interests is one of the most difficult and demanding tasks that people face following the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship. This is a particularly sensitive area of the law and the outcome depends heavily on the particular circumstances of each family.

It is not always possible, in times of uncertainty or conflict, to communicate amicably and effectively with your former partner in order to make decisions about children including, at least initially, where they live and the nature and quality of time they will spend with each of their parents.

Our team of specialist Family Lawyers have a wealth of experience in parenting and children’s matters. We understand the importance, particularly in the period immediately following your separation, of approaching these issues with care and sensitivity, knowing the emotionally charged decisions that parents and caregivers are required to make.

In approaching all parenting matters, we aim to provide efficient and high quality advice, emphasising at all times the importance of balancing the need to protect children from harm, or a risk of harm, and the benefit to children of maintaining a close and meaningful relationship with their parents.